It seems whenever I get cute pictures of my daughter and want to post them online my printer (where I insert my memory card) never wants to connect to my computer.. I suspect this is because my daughter loves to sit on my computer and bounce on it and push all of the buttons to make the screen light up.. But that is just speculation of course..
Today I went to the doctor (okay or the emergency room.. I just hate how that sounds!) because I have had brutal headaches the past few days. I suspected it was because I had an ear infection, which I didn't. The doctor suspected it is a sinus infection and sent me home with a perscription antibiotic and a pain medicine.. yeah I said PAIN MEDICINE. Who in their right mind would give someone with a sinus infection pain medicine? And we wonder why so many people get addicted to this stuff.. Needless to say I told the nurse I didn't need it and left with only the antibiotic. Hopefully it kicks in soon!
After that we stopped by my friend Mallory's. She is the most popular person in town! Three other people randomly stopped by haha. So funny. One of the girls, Elizabeth, was absolutely hilarious and has a HUGE bunny. The bunny is potty trained in a liter box and just roams her house. It was bigger than a cat and it's feet were bigger than Mallory's golden retrievers! It was really cute but I just couldn't get over how big he was! Madeline was scared to death of him. She liked the dog but when the bunny would hop by Madeline would run to me to get away from it. Too funny.
After that we headed home where my neighbor randomly stopped by to give us some Christmas treats and Madeline an adorable phone toy. Although I always complain about the layout of my house and how I want to move, we are in an amazing neighborhood! Darla and Bill stopped by really quickly to pick up a package we picked up for them. Then Madeline and I headed to the station. Mallory, Matt, Banks and Beaza were there.. my favorite people! I mainly talked too much like usual and my poor husband just looks at me wondering how I have so much to say about nothing haha! I'm a housewife, what do you expect?!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Baby All I Want for Christmas..
What an amazing Christmas we had! Madeline and I spent the week before Christmas in Lynchburg with our families. We had almost two feet of snow and was stuck inside the house most of the time! Madeline was spoiled rotten by all of her gifts! She got blocks, a Vermont bear (which she LOVES), beautiful outfits, the bouncing turtle, ornaments, a snowglobe and books from my in-laws side of the family. My mother in law got Taylor and I a Wii (which I am terrible at!!) My mom had actually got us one too which is pretty funny, but she returned it! My parents got Madeline Pottery Barn dolls, a sock monkey set, books, shoes, PJs, crayola sets and gosh so much more I can't even remember it all! She got me loads of goodies and Taylor an MP3 player he had wanted. Madeline's main gift from Taylor and I was a climber with a little playhouse type of thing attached. She loves climbing up the slide and going back down it, but I think the main thing she likes about it is collecting any and everything from the room (I found the dog harness in there this morning) and putting it in the house and closing the little door. I had been searching for one of these stinkin' things on Craigslist for atleast 6 months but never found a nice one so I got stuck paying the full price from, but she loves it so thats all that matters! She also got a Cabbage Patch baby that she loves to carry in its carrier and give her ba ba. I say "where's your baby?" and she runs and gets her! It is adorable!
Taylor and I had already "exchanged presents." He got a 52' Sharp Aquos and I got a keurig coffee maker, pottery barn stockings and diamond earrings. So on Christmas we just did stockings which included electric tooth brushes, lots of candy and his had a pizza slicer haha! We promised to do wrapped gifts next year but I honestly don't care! We woke up Christmas morning and had cinnamon rolls.. YUM! Then we sat around the house all day watching a Christmas Story and Home Alone. We went to a Christmas Eve service at a church on the bypass and I was really disappointed. I personally go to a Christmas Eve service to sing songs about Christmas and hear a nativity story. I got there and was informed the wise men didn't come on Christmas, there was no Santa because parents only give gifts as a reward not a gift and I didn't hear one Christmas song. Needless to say I was very sad about it. After Madeline went to bed we played my new game Pictureka and Skipboo! It was a great day and I was so glad to spend it with my little family!
These are some pictures taken by my very talented friend Mallory! Thank you!

Taylor and I had already "exchanged presents." He got a 52' Sharp Aquos and I got a keurig coffee maker, pottery barn stockings and diamond earrings. So on Christmas we just did stockings which included electric tooth brushes, lots of candy and his had a pizza slicer haha! We promised to do wrapped gifts next year but I honestly don't care! We woke up Christmas morning and had cinnamon rolls.. YUM! Then we sat around the house all day watching a Christmas Story and Home Alone. We went to a Christmas Eve service at a church on the bypass and I was really disappointed. I personally go to a Christmas Eve service to sing songs about Christmas and hear a nativity story. I got there and was informed the wise men didn't come on Christmas, there was no Santa because parents only give gifts as a reward not a gift and I didn't hear one Christmas song. Needless to say I was very sad about it. After Madeline went to bed we played my new game Pictureka and Skipboo! It was a great day and I was so glad to spend it with my little family!
These are some pictures taken by my very talented friend Mallory! Thank you!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Beautiful Kitchen Chandelier
My mom just had this beautiful chandelier installed in her dining room. Okay so it isn't yet perfect (notice the difference in paint color from where the old ceiling fan!) I added the lamp shades and applied the fabris. I think they turned out pretty great although I still need to add ribbon along the edges (since we have two feet of snow on the ground I haven't yet made it back to the craft store!) I then added the ornaments with ribbon and strung ribbon around the base of the chandelier. I think it is pretty beautiful myself! I will be back soon to post pictures of my beautiful little girl hating the snow and the ornament wreath I made!

Friday, December 18, 2009
I'll be home for Christmas..
In case you didn't know, I have an amazing husband. We have been together five years now and through all that time he has never said anything nasty to me and he still treats me like a queen every single day! No matter how much nonsense I have talked to him, he just looks me in the face and says "I want to be with you forever, so lets figure this out." He does anything he can to make my daughter and myself happy and he doesn't get enough of the praise that he deserves!! I love you John Taylor!
Taylor got stuck working for ten days in a row so Madeline and I headed up to Virginia to spend the week before the holidays with our family! Hopefully Taylor gets off for Christmas Eve so Madeline and I will go back to spend the night with him! Before we came home my friend Mallory took some amazing Christmas pictures of Madeline on the beach! Smart ol' me forgot the cd with the pictures on them in OBX so I will have to post once I am back at our house, but once I do you are in for a treat! Thank you Mallory for doing that for me!
They are calling for between 9 and 18 inches of snow tomorrow so we will be stuck at home for a few days. Luckily my mom bought a ham dinner and turkey dinner for a make up Thanksgiving and Christmas so we have plenty of food at the house! On a not so lucky note I did not bring any of Madeline's fleece hats or gloves so unless I sneak out to Old Navy in the morning she won't be able to play in the snow!
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