This is my child on her tippy toes at the park trying to jump off the climbing wall.. But notice the "big boy" underneath her trying to get past her! She is so brave and I think she is going to be in the Olympics. This wall is for the older kids, but Madeline can already climb half way up it! I am sure within the next feel weeks she will be going up it like a pro.. give me a heart attack!? Beautiful girl..
Going down the big girl twisting slide before the hunt.
Grabbing those eggs!
Hm what to do?!
Checking out the Easter Bunny.
The goods!
And we ended up at a party where we dressed up as Hawiians! Madeline helping mommy kick some butt at cards!
Headed over to the bonfire!
We spent Sunday being lazy at the house! It was a wonderful weekend and we can't wait for summer to get here!
I had started running Madeline's morning bath before Taylor got home from work and I walked back into her room to set out her clothes. By the time I walked back into the bathroom I found her in the tub pretending to shampoo her stuffed pug! It was so cute but she about died when I had to take her pug away to put him in the dryer!
Saturday and Sunday it was so beautiful. We spent the days on our back porch (Taylor used his new drill to put up the baby "fencing" all over the deck. We also cooked out with friends and had a relaxing time!
Sunday morning I got to sleep in while Taylor and Madeline played "PJ dress up." Haha I'm not sure how they put this outfit together!
Madeline entertained herself for the LONGEST time with these two empty bottles.
She also had her first popsicle of the summer.. which she shared with Otis of course!
These weekend made me so excited for the cookouts, pools and the ocean. Mainly I can't wait to spend the quality time with our families and friends! Summer come soon!!
Yes this is a picture I took off my back deck.. I know, amazing right? So you are wondering why would I consider moving? My house is cute on the outside, on an amazing street and a great piece of land.. however the inside is stuck in the 1970's and our foundation is all kinds of jacked up! So for the past six or so months Taylor and I have been wrestling with do we move because we need a more updated house.. or do we stay because we love our neighbors and our yard? I don't know the answer, but we need to decide soon and stop flip flopping! Pretty much if we stay we are going to put in our money (its a rental but we get a great monthly price!) into it and fence in the yard and add some paint. Ugh frustrating. Happy St Patricks Day!
I would like to start off by apologizing for putting this pictures backwards. The bottom picture is from the morning and the picture with Madeline in the pool should be at the end. So start at the bottom of this post and look at the pictures in that order haha!
More importantly.. TODAY WAS 60 DEGREES!! It was great! Madeline and I started our day off by heading over to the park. She ran around and got some energy out until we headed home around 11. She took a nap until about 12:45. Megan had to teach class today, so she dropped Shea off at about noon. Once Madeline woke up I got her dressed and the three of us headed outside! I put them both in the bike trailer and rode them up and down our street. Shea loved it, but I think Madeline didn't like sharing her seat with Shea, didn't like wearing her seatbelt and because we also have the baby seat on the back of the bike she couldn't see me. So she wasn't a happy camper. Once we got off the bike I pulled out Madeline's play cars and they had a ball. I was trying to push them both (only one has a handle)and constantly made them crash haha. They had a blast! The Shea climbed out of her car and wanted to push Madeline in the pink car.. Side note: Madeline had to be strapped in her car because she constantly runs off into the road or into my backyard, where there is a canal and she will drown.. So Shea wanted to push her all by herself and didn't want me to touch the car, but she went soo slow so Madeline would get mad. I felt so bad for Shea because she was pushing as fast as she could! After that we collected those purple flowers and dandelions and put them all in Madeline's big blue plastic pool. Madeline got in and laid on her belly showing me how she swims! They are both so sweet and cute! Today was a great day! Tomorrow is supposed to be 70 degrees and Taylor will be off of work so hopefully tomorrow will be even better!