Well I finally joined Mommy and Me! I have went to a group from 1-2 year olds and 2-3 year olds (Madeline is 18 months!) I actually preferred the older group for her because I feel like she will learn more from kids who are slightly older than her (most of the kids in the group were ALMOST two!)
Madeline is a monkey.. literally. Today we drove home from Lynchburg, we were back for a few minutes and she was climbing into her crib! UGH crazy kid! So that tells me soon she will need a toddler bed, I don't know how I will make her stay in it. She loves to climb up her climber or on the couch (anything really) and then JUMP onto something else.. give me a heart attach maybe? Its hard to believe this rough and tumble kid started her life out as a two pound baby. I guess it shows God works some crazy miracles! My mom holds her in a recliner and says "rock, rock" so now Madeline likes to "rock, rock" in everything! The entire trip home from Lynchburg she was going "rock, rock" pretending to rock in her carseat haha. My dad got her dvd players and they have been a God sent on car trips! She loves to watch Dora and Backyardigans. When we get in the car and the tv isn't on she screams "DOE DOE" meaning Dora haha. I don't let her watch hardly any tv while we are home so riding in the car is a special treat. Its like you have to fight her to get her out of the carseat when the car stops!
Last time I was home it snowed almost two feet.. this time it snowed atleast one! We had went home so my dad, brother Joe and I could go to our annual George Strait concert which was canceled. But we still had a good time!
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