Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Madeline really enjoys cooking! She loves to "help Momma" in the kitchen! She pulls up her a chair and gets right on the counter! To celebrate Fall we made pumpkin brownies!

Lacey Reese is ten and a half months old. She says Momma, hello and Daddy. She still likes to wake up during the night.

Speaking of waking up during the night. Last night Madeline didn't sleep, she told me she is afraid of beds! Hope that fear passes soon!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Too much playing in the hay!

Yesterday Madeline, Lacey and I went to the Grandy pumpkin patch! We had a great time on the tractor ride and picking out our own pumpkins. A little while before we left Madeline came to me complaining that she had hay in her eye. It was a little red but I didn't think much of it. At ballet her teacher brought her out to me and said she was rubbing her eye and it was red. Again I assumed it was fine.. by dinner time she looked like she had a black eye! The urgent care and doctors office were closed so off to the ER we went. Madeline has been to the ER twice now and she loves to go because she gets popsicles! She sat there like a champ while they touched her eye, put drops in it and shined all sorts of crazy lights into it. She was so tough and remained so calm! All of the nurses were coming in and complimenting her! In the end she had a corneal abrasion which should heal up in the next few days.
So today we went to the eye doctor just to check on everything. We passed the hospital and Madeline said, "Momma we passed the doctor, we are on the wrong path!" It was so cute! She is such a doll!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bring on the Pugs

About a month a go my pug was getting a break from little, snappy dogs. He was just starting to enjoy retirement and his old age..

Then it was abruptly ruined by a new pug named Pugsley. Pugsley is possibly worse than Reina was. He bites and tugs on Otis 20 hours a day. He is very fast and runs laps all through the house. He enjoys going potty in our guest room. I don't think he cares for grass. But he really loves both of our kids. And Madeline thinks "Baby" is the best thing since goldfish shaped bread (which she also loves!) Madeline still asks about Reina and when she is coming home. And when we got Pugsley fixed she wanted to know if he was going to the vet to go to heaven to be with Reina.. and if we could bring Reina home from the vet. It is still very sad and we miss Reina very much. But this new ball of energy has breathed new life back into our house and we all (even Taylor) love him very much!

Nags Head Pumpkin Fair

Last week we went to the Pumpkin Fair in Nags Head! They had a lot of great pumpkins, although we didn't bring any home! We have two trips to the pumpkin patch planned so I was happy Madeline didn't insist on getting a pumpkin from the fair! Madeline mainly played on the playground and she also got to ride a pony named Big Al. It was her first pony ride and she LOVED him! I was very nervous though because no one walked beside my 3 year old who had never been on a horse before! Not safe!

As usual my sweet Lacey got left out of the pictures. I will be so glad when she is toddling around so she can be involved in more. She already is so into everything Madeline is doing I know they will be best friends and have the best time together!